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Immigration to Australia from Saudi Arabia


Australia, the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia’s capital is Canberra, located in the southeast between the larger and more important economic and cultural centers of Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia’s established world reputation has long been that of a wealthy underpopulated country prone to natural disasters, its economy depending heavily on agriculture (“riding on the sheep’s back”) and foreign investment. This description was reasonably fair during the first century of European settlement when wool exports reigned supreme. Wheat, beef, lamb, dairy produce, and a range of irrigated crops also became important, but the key significance of farming and grazing was not challenged.

Benefits of Australia Immigration

Fundamental freedoms

All Australians are entitled to a number of fundamental freedoms (within the bounds of the law), including speaking freely and openly, joining associations, holding meetings, worshiping their chosen religions and moving throughout Australia without restrictions.

Equality under the law

All Australians are equal under the law. This means that nobody should be treated differently from anybody else because of their race, ethnicity or country of origin; because of their age, gender, marital status or disability; or because of their political or religious beliefs. Government agencies and independent courts must treat everyone fairly. Being treated equally means that getting a job or being promoted must be on the basis of a person’s skills, ability, and experience, not their cultural background or political beliefs. It also means that people cannot be refused service in a shop or hotel or other service facilities because of their race, colour, religion, gender or marital status.


Australians are proud of their peaceful society. They believe that change should occur by discussion, peaceful persuasion and the democratic process. They reject violence as a way of changing peoples’ minds or the law. In addition to these values, Australians also pursue public-good and have compassion for those in need. There is a strong community spirit in Australia and Australians seek to enhance and improve the society in which they live. Many Australians contribute to the community in their daily lives. They may demonstrate this through caring for the environment, lending a hand and working together in times of need in pursuit of the public good. Australia has a strong tradition of ‘mateship’, where people provide help to others voluntarily, especially those in difficulty. A mate is often a friend but can also be a spouse, partner, brother, sister, daughter or son. A mate can also be a total stranger. There is also a strong tradition of community service and volunteering. So are you planning to migrate to Australia? Get in touch with MilkyWay Immigration Consultant. MilkyWay is the best Australia Immigration Consultant in Saudi Arabia who provides PR Visa, Business visa, Immigration & Study visa to Australia.